
My friend who works in a call center hung up on someone for the first time today, here’s what happened.

My friend who works in a call center for an airline company hung up on someone for the first time today (she’s been working there for about a year). F will be my friend and C will be the guy calling. (Obviously paraphrased and simplified)

C: Hi, I need to refund my ticket.

F: Sure, you can refund it, but you won’t get full price back especially since it’s so late.

C: This is ridiculous, you’re lying.

F: I’m sorry, this is the policy.

C: Put me on with your manager now

F: My manager is on vacation.

C: You’re a fucking liar. Put me on with your manager now.

F: hangs up

submitted by /u/Umbresp
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I’m lazy

My last call/Call center math