


first day of nesting:

some of my calls were great and i received few compliments from customers which honestly made my entire day. (newbie’s luck i guess)

However, i can attest that the simulations we took during training isn’t really enough to “simulate” what usually happens in a call.

The problems were more complicated and it was challenging to get what the customers want even though you’re probing.

Sometimes the tools doesn’t work or there isn’t any option for a certain thing or you just don’t have any idea what the fuck’s going on.

I also had moments where i didn’t set proper expectations to customers which I know will eventually backfire and cause us lots of repeat calls.

I have skills but the way i fumbled on our first day really shows my age. Like, I’m too juvenile for this grown-up job and lots of my decisions came from a place of immaturity.

Please share your experience of taking live calls for the first time!


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