
Keeping people on general/tier 1/etc lines just to get them to quit, get fired or burnout.


One thing I have noticed in the years that I did call center work is that the agents that can’t keep up with stats are often kept on general or tier one lines. These are often the lines they start agents on, the busiest (often with back to back calls) and having to deal with various inquiries of customers. It can also be the most stressful lines to be on. I often wonder if call centers don’t keep their worst performing agents on these lines in hopes of getting them to quit or get fired due to burnout?

What is interesting about most call centers is that once you “graduate” from general calls onto advanced and speciality lines is that the calls seem easier (even though they are often more complex), you are held to fewer standards statistically and you are less likely to get back to back calls.


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