
Today I had a customer tell me how to do my job.


Customer called in today about a payment that was misapplied and showed missing for April’s payment. She was frustrated and taking it out on me because the other agent she spoke to told her with 100% certainty that this wouldn’t happen when she mails in a payment in February to cover 3 and a half months. The call goes like this.

C: I made my payment in February to cover February, March, April, and 100 dollars towards may!

Me: ok I’m sorry let me check the account for you.

C: keeps complaining as I am working and I finally place on hold for silence so I can think.

I figure out 1.5k of the payment was mis applied and I apply it for her

Me: *goes back to call* explains that the payment was misapplied in processing and that I put in a task to apply it correctly.

C: starts screaming about how She called and spoke to someone about this for 45 minutes in February and how they assured everything is going to be affect and how it wasn’t. How could this happen she assured me she put a note she took her time blah blah blah blah.

Me: ok I’m sorry but customer service representatives are really unable to account for where the payments made. We can tell you that the payments are going to be made at a specific time but we have no I say or jurisdiction and where they go.

C: well, your coworker guaranteed to go in this exact way and she was wrong

Me: OK I’m sorry is there anything else I can do for you today?

C: yes, you can tell me if my payments going to be late

Me: I already explained this to you and told you the payment is not going to be late

C: sigh’s very heavily

Me: is there anything else I can do for you today?

C: do you know what? Yes you have had an attitude throughout the whole call, what you can do for me today is apologize for the inconvenience I went through, and then you can assure me that my payments going to be applied correctly. You can also reassure me that the task is going to go through and tell me a time that I can call you back instead of being rude and asking me what else you can do for me.

Me: OK, well, ma’am first I do have to ask you if there is anything else I can do for you that is part of my job description second, I am sorry I didn’t ask you if there’s anything more that I can do in a polite way, I am sorry that the payment was applied. I put in the request to get a reply for you if you need further assistance about it to verify if it’s been applied correctly, call us back on Thursday.

C: thank it, was that so hard?

Me: I go quiet and say, have a good day ma’am

C: thank you, have a good day. Bye

I hung up accidentally cutting her off


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I heard moaning
