
I heard moaning


So as you all know I work at a call center for Florida unemployment and our wait times are usually high! Callers wait like 3 sometimes 5 hours to get to us. So today I had an incoming call and I can see how long a caller has been waiting in the que before I accept it, this person was waiting 3 hours and 40 mins. So I answered the phone and said my greeting and I heard the caller HAVING SEX! I’m guessing they got bored and decided to make the time go by while they were waiting but man! Like they were going AT IT y’all! I hung up the phone because I didn’t wanna be a cockblock. They need to get their rocks off first and they can call again another time 😂😂😂


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Apparently I need retraining on how to talk to people

Today I had a customer tell me how to do my job.