
What single policy at your job would you change to make call center work a better job to have?


For me, it would have to be a policy that enables or promotes prank callers.

I have worked at a few different call centers where they had a policy that we had to act as if whatever issue the customer calls in about is 100% real. And I get why for some situations like a safety concern if a customer calls in saying a product is smoking, caught fire, or gives an electrical shock when you touch it.

However there are obvious prank calls or things that are not even a possibility or that you can prove they are lying to you. And I wish I could have just hung up on the person or called them out on their B.S. so they would be less likely to call back about it.

Examples: I used to work for X-Box customer support. and 12-15 year olds would call in and it was ALWAYS one of two different prank calls:

1. Either their X-Box was leaking blue liquid (it was always blue, never any other color) and even though there is no liquid of any color that could ever possibly leak out, we had to pretend the issue was real. The best we could do was to start reading off the warranty policy about water damage and start to explain the cost of sending in an out of warranty unit in for repair.
2. They had their “genitals” stuck in the CD tray. (this was when the X-Box 360 was still the latest console, that prank call pretty much stopped for the X-Box One that has a slot loading CD tray) and again we had to act like it was a real situation, and there was a quick way of actually being able to hang up on they by saying *”This sounds like a medical emergency, I am going to disconnect this call now so that you can dial 911 from your phone”* and then hang up on them. But you would sometimes overhear another agent that didn’t know that trick have to try and walk someone through troubleshooting how to manually open the CD tray while the caller pretends a gaming console is stuck to their crotch.

I have actually found videos online of kids bragging about “tricking customer service” and thinking they are somehow doing something clever and not knowing that the adult they are speaking with is actually being paid to play along, and it would have been so much easier if would could have just hung up on them.

Mostly just because they didn’t pay me nearly enough to have to deal with that level of stupid.


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I was cussed out, over tax…

The creativity of callers