
The creativity of callers


So I thought I’d make a post for something that really gets me annoyed.

When we ask a caller a YES/NO question – theres only two options to choose from- but the number of callers that just don’t care- they march to the beat of their own drum- they can literally be asked to choose from 2 options and instead make a 10 second choice into a 10 minute conversation that eventually comes back round to asking the YES/NO question again.

Sorry for rambling, it just really annoys me that they cant just help us to help them by answering or focusing on the question. We always have to go through some kind of storytime.


If I wasn’t WFH I’d have left ages ago.


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What single policy at your job would you change to make call center work a better job to have?

I honestly don’t know how some people function in their day to day lives.