
When the customer knows your job better than you do.


Yesterday I had an unusual case, I’ve never seen anything like it before, customer had accrued a £20,000 debt over two years, but she didn’t know about it, because it was a debt which had been silently mounting up in the background of her account linked to a secondary accessary, she could not have known she was meant to be paying for.

Customer had never been told about this secondary item, and the first she knew about it was when she was sent a letter to say that she had not paid for two years and now owed all this money.

As it was a contract she had entered into but was extremely vague on conditions, I could see that it had a loophole she could get out of, all she had to do was explain that it was invalid from the start eg two years ago, because the contract did not state the correct terms, and not only that but it had been allowed to accrue for two years without sending her any reminders before that.I was happy to put this in writing on her behalf with the correct dates and explain the error to head office and it would have taken me ten minutes to write such an email, I was certain that they would listen because it could have caused all kinds of legal issues.

Of course, this being a customer, it wasn’t that easy.

As I tried to explain, she kept talking to someone in the background so that I could not finish explaining why this could be sorted out easily and more importantly I couldn’t get her consent for me to write the required email for her.

The conversation went like this :

Mrs Smith, I have looked at the account and I see that you have been told you owe £20,000, however, I

*My son says we will sue you*

However, it would be quite easy to deal with this as all I have to do is

*talking to son – she isn’t going to help with this, we’ll have to deal with it ourselves*

It would be quite easy to correct this error, all i have to do is write an email to head office saying

*to son – she wants you to write an email – do it now – get your laptop*

I would write an email saying that the contract needs to be cancelled from

*to son – she wants you to write that the contract should be cancelled*

No, please don’t ask your son to email anything, I am asking you if I can, myself, write an email to say that the contract needs to be cancelled from

*He is quite capable of complaining in an email*

But it needs to explain that the contract started on

*oh he will complain very strongly*

But it needs to specifically say that the contract started two years ago and give the exact date and quote the part of the contract where

*He knows what to put*

It needs to give the start date of the contract and to say that it should never have been

*He will say it needs to be cancelled immediately from today’s date*

That won’t help because it needs to say that from the very first day of the contract which was two years ago, the

*He knows what he’s doing*

I am offering to write the email for you giving all the details which will be needed to cancel this debt in a way that will be understood to be a legal challenge and it requires certain terminology, quotation from the contract, and correct dates to be set down*

*My son is very clever, he’ll do it straight away.He will tell them that I can’t continue the contract because I am ill and have no money to pay.*

Please could you let me explain, the contract started two years ago and there is a debt of £20,000 which has been accumulating since then without your knowledge,A cancellation needs to be put in from the first date of the contract which was two ye

*talking to son about how disgusting the whole thing is*

Stating that the contract needs to be cancelled from today will have no effect on the debt because the cancellation needs to be put in from the date two years ago when

*We know what to do now, you don’t need to keep repeating it, he needs to email your head office and tell them I want to cancel the contract from today, goodbye*


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