
5/31/2019 in Virginia Beach


I’ve started this post plenty of times before… maybe today I’ll post it. It doesn’t really FIT with the sub, but it is definitely a tale from the call center…

I was on the later part of the schedule (of a regular 8-5 fortunately), and man did I have to pee… waiting for my break “buddy” to come back… she should be back at any minute. Tick, tick, tick… ring… of course! A call comes in for me! I answer, and THEN my “buddy” messages she’s back…

Working the call (recognize the last name, too… need to treat ’em right)… it’s a little complicated, but getting through it, and almost done when all of a sudden I hear from the back of the room “Hang up and get in my office!”

Oh, man, someone’s in trouble… I keep working, but then the announcement continues, and it’s getting closer… turns out no one/everyone is in trouble. There’s an active shooter in the building.

I hang up my call and hustle along with the rest into the boss’s very much non secure “office” cubicle (it has a locking door at least), and once we’re all inside, me and the other “big guy” push the desk up against the door.

911 is called. Seeming far away “pop pops” are heard. Eventually there were dogs barking and more “pops”… then a knock on the door, an officer telling us to hang tight… finally it was time for us to come out. Officer gave us a heads up that we would see a body… that didn’t prepare me for the blood soaked stairwell we were about to go down. “Keep your hands up!” They said… but that ish was slippery, and then there was a leap over “someone” (we could only guess at that point, the body was covered) at the bottom of the stairs… I put my hand down to use the railing at times, I’ll admit… not trying to be the one that causes an even bigger commotion.

We were lead across the street… then down the road for “debriefing”, I guess. We looked for specific people that may have been in different areas (I was fortunate enough to see all “my” people… and to not have to witness as much as some of them), we sent/responded to messages to let people know we were OK.

At some point, I asked my boss if she knew my caller… it was her cousin… I asked her to apologize for me hanging up on ’em. She almost chuckled and said she was sure they’d understand.

I’ve moved on from the call center now… and have many more fun stories that I may get around to sharing, but this is THE tale from the call center for me. Happy Memorial Day!

Not sure whatever happened to the pee situation… just remembered it because I would have gone if my “buddy” had come back earlier, when I usually didn’t have to that time of day… and realized after the fact where that would have put me and when. I don’t remember when I relieved myself, but also don’t remember it being an issue either. (I may have gone at the 7-11 I walked to to meet my ride, as we couldn’t take our cars that evening… active crime scene and all.

Am I OK? Yes, but as others have said, things certainly come back at times. This year’s anniversary was particularly annoying since there were all these remembrance events and stuff on Friday (which makes sense with the 5/31 being the holiday this year) which resulted in a long weekend of dealing with stuff… then yeah, the fireworks around the neighborhood last night weren’t my favorite sounds… but all in all, most of the time I am OK. I know a lot of others still are not.

(At the risk of presumably completely blowing my internet anonymity, I do think I’ve separated that event from my birthday this year… I didn’t mention in the original post that there was a whole ice cream situation set up that day to celebrate several of us Geminis… caused some mixed emotions on celebrating last year.)


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About a year later, I still feel silly

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