
Dealing with a change of manager


I had the same manager for about the 2.5 years at my job. We got into a nice groove. She really understood me and we had been through a lot together. My new manager is so much more stats-orientented. I know it’s more common for call center managers to be that way, but I had gotten used to the old way. My last manager was much more hands off, and so when she came at me about my aht or adherence, I knew it was serious and I needed to buckle down.

My new manager is a typical micromanager. She’s never been on the phones and so that’s another strike against her in my book. I have to just adjust back into giving the meaningless backtalk about how I’m going to lower my already small AHT a few more seconds. Argh. Oh well, it hurts my psyche to have to slip back into playing the verbal game with management after being able to be honest for so long, but I guess that’s just how it goes.


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Customer Service Voice

First post about my call from satan himself