
Have you ever had a client so disrespectful…

Normally I roll with the punches and let slide the smart remarks of a somewhat rude, demanding client. Today, however, I reached my breaking point. I was having a difference of opinions with a client about what constitutes a legal contract(cell phone); the contract he accepted at the store when he purchased the device, or him being told 4 months later that his phone plan had no extra fees. He claimed that this means we can not charge him for his phone, while the truth is because the financing is a separate charge what my colleague had told him was true. His plan contained no extra add on features. His finances amount is another item all together. When I explained he was wrong, I heard him whistle because he was trying to speak. I thought I misheard him so I continued after a short pause. He whisteled again as if calling his dog in from outside. I ask him if he whistled at me. He said I was trying to get your attention. I went off, and told him that I am not his dog and that he had one opportunity to apologize to me. He said “you weren’t letting me speak ” I told him that he had no right to be that disrespectful and that if he did not apologize that I was not going to service him further. He said he would rather speak to a supervisor, and I informed him that was indeed the plan because under my companies zero tolerance policy I was putting him on hold until I could pass him to my supervisor. Spit in my face or whistle at me like an animal, and you will get no help from me.

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You want to examine what in your bill

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