
Sometimes you just have to say it

I have had 2 moments where I finally gave in and said stuff I’ve wanted forever to a customer. Not fire-able territory but not quality approved.

I do credit card escalations/sup calls for a major bank. I am berated constantly. One woman I was trying to explain interest to was just being horrid. You know the story, entitled woman, cheap but trying to pass it off as moral high ground or something. She tells me (after I explained for the 100th time I wasn’t waiving the interest charge) “it’s not the interest, it’s the principle!!” Oh lord. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had this line in reserve forever so I told her, “Ma’am it’s actually the interest ON the principle.” Luckily she was so full of herself she assumed i was dumb and just didn’t get what she meant, but I enjoyed it immensely. And she never got that fee waived and normally I waive everything because I am tired of arguing to save money for a multi billion dollar bank.

Another guy was being soooo condescending about this charge on his card. It was back in the day when if a merchant was billing you repeatedly and wouldn’t stop we would try and block them from charging you (called a stop pmt). This particular charge was a Trump campaign donation. Guys I couldn’t help it. I told this man, “what I’ve done is build a wall around your account so the charges can’t get in.” It was sooo much fun. Still not sure if he got it because he was so furious that we were ALLOWING them to bill the acct (we don’t know! If we blocked it without you telling us to you would be screaming about discrimination so wtf ever. Plus you get involved with a conman what did you expect?) I enjoyed that moment so much. Almost made up for the abuse

submitted by /u/annadownya
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Finally cracked on a caller.
