
It’s a good thing I was at the end of shift

I work at a credit card call center. I got a call from a man with a heavy accent from a middle-ish Asian country. Obviously it was too much effort to pick up the phone, as He was on speakerphone. Couldn’t hear him between accent and lilt and speakerphone.

He picked up the phone and I could finally hear him say he wanted to know why he was being charged interest on a card balance. Although I was like, seriously? Do you know how credit cards work? in my head, I explained that if the balance is not paid each month, interest accrued. Shrieking Hag Wife in the background now comes on the phone with with a barrage of questions about the same thing, interest charged. Apparently her method of asking the same question repeatedly works on her husband, but I don’ts gots to live with her so I stay calm and repeatedly give the same answer.

She suddenly stopped and said thank you in the most dismissive tone possible and hung up.

I cursed slowly in my head.

submitted by /u/Philly448
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This job man.

Restarting your phone is important y’all.