
For the others

Here I am again with my famous do’s and Dont’s –


`Don’t tell me about the awesome “Tech” job you used to have , and you can’t even find “settings” on your phone

`Don’t accuse me of lying to you. Just because you don’t like or understand something, doesn’t make it a lie.Just humble down and ask for clarification

`Don’t star off with “FIRST OFF ALL!” . That is a bell ringer to me… you will only get what’s do to you at that point. No extras…don’t ask

` Sweetie … if you ordered something from us,and you have the tracking info, why call back stating anything about delivery? It’s on the way… talk to the carrier … Dummy

`Don’t hand the phone to anyone that is under 18 because you’re to “busy”. You barely want to deal with your kids. I barely want to deal with you

`Don’t ask me my last name…or how to spell my first name.You won’t get the ‘last’ and I’ll misspell the first

Don’t put me on hold for more than 2 mins that’s all I’ve got for you to feed your dog, or kids. I honestly don’t care about either.thats your life. This is my job

Do use common sense
Do be respectful
Do have proof of your lies
Do be patient, nothing is immediate-except death, and I’m not to sure about that because this job is slowly killing me’

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Why didn’t they call me?

Monday to end all mondays