
ANytHinG eARliER?!

I work at a manufacturing plant. Half my day is spent on the phone arranging booking times for deliveries to and from our other warehouses. Our warehouse is woefully understaffed and over capacity. While I certainly feel for the transport company and drivers trying to make a booking, I get this same bullshit each and every day:

Me: blankety blanks warehouse, how can I help?

Driver: I’ve got a load for you.

Me: ah ok, our next booking timeslot is.. 6am

Driver: na, I won’t be there until 9am

Me: sure thing, next one is.. 1pm

Driver: anything earlier?

Me:… 6am, then booked out until 1pm

Driver: so nothing earlier?

Me: unfortunately that’s all that’s available

Driver: so nothing between 6am and 1pm?!

Me: yeah. 6am, 1pm, then a few more later in the day.

Driver: so you have a 10am available?

Me: considers smashing face against computer to give reason to go home Unfortunately not, just the 6am and 1pm mentioned earlier.

Driver: okay. Fine. I take the f***** 1pm, but you better not delay me when I get there.

Me: booked for 1pm. See you then.

And as usefully the case, the driver shows up at 10am and complains that they are waiting. Team are running ahead and we get the guy in at 12 (an hour early!) and he spends the whole time complaining.

submitted by /u/phydox
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Working on a holiday

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