
Little Old Lady 2.0

I don’t know why, but I swear I get little old ladies at least once a week. They always call about 6:00PM central, and the calls always last about an hour.

I posted a while back about this very sweet old lady I got to spend some time with, and it happened again!

First, I should say that the call was wayyyyy out of scope… but I can’t help it. I lost my grandma a few years ago, and I guess I just associate all old ladies with her.

She was trying to connect a third party printer, but was connecting to the printer’s WiFi signal, and not connecting the printer to her actual network. So I hopped on the machine and helped her connect the printer to the network – she couldn’t remember her WiFi password (way out of scope), but I paused the screen share before she actually changed it so that I wasn’t “technically” breaking any rules.” Showed her how to change her desktop background, and scan for malware.

It took about an hour, but it was the highlight of my evening (also my last call so I got to end on a high note).

Productivity be damned, all I want to do is talk to little old ladies.

submitted by /u/The_Nitram
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client gets irritated because i did not talk when she was talking

I want a paper bill