
Happy luggage problems

Hello everyone! I’m not a call center employee but a while back i had a really positive experience at a call center i wanted to share 🙂 My luggage was lost by an airline company for about a week a while back and i called basically twice a day (morning and night) to the city it was probably left behind in and the city i landed in. Time after time i was rudely dismissed or sent on endless holds to different departments that didn’t always answer. I ended up on the phone with a random representative that was in a completely different department and honestly couldn’t really do anything at that point. We ended up having a really lovely conversation about our days and talked for like 20 minutes about our lives until he had to hang up. I know he couldn’t really help me, but that kindness i was shown is still something to this day i remember, it felt like he actually cared while everyone else was just playing pass the potato with my phone call. (Which i don’t blame them for, if they can’t solve my problem i would rather talk to someone who can, but i would just be stuck on the phone for over an hour just to be told the same thing). So Ted who lives in Denver, Colorado that’s originally from Maryland that works for an airline company, you’re really fucking cool and thanks for making that experience 1000000x better, you rock.

submitted by /u/chanshortest
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