
The time I found Jesus…

Ok so most of the stories in this sub are about annoying callers and mad people, let’s shake thing up with a funny story of mine…

R me! your one and only desk monkey!
CL Confused lady

to set the scene imaging miss ridingthebull sitting on my desk and eating cookies when GASP! a call comes in

R : Hello thank you for calling the depths of hell, this is ridingthebull your benefit advocate for today! May I have your name please?

CL: Umm, I’m looking for Jesus…


R : uhh, Jesus?

CL: yeah, I was speaking to a Jesus last week, they were helping me sort out my bills here, he gave me a phone number and an extension but it’s not working…

they have a call center in heaven???

It took some time to process but then it all clicked…

R: mam, are you referring to Jesús?

Long story short I got her account number and contacted the elusive Jesús to help her with her bills… it a trash story but it never fails to get a giggle from our Quality Analysts 😀

submitted by /u/ridingthebull
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"Its the law!"

"You can take my computer and spit on it!" cross-post /r/talesfromthefrontdesk