
Just frustrating.

A simplification of this call:

Customer: I have service x and y with you all and was promised $ price for x and 5 free add-ons with the purchase of y.

Me: Your price for x is actually $$ and we haven’t provided 4 of those 5 free add-ons you listed on any other y account.

….more conversations.

Customer: So the rep 1 lied to me to get me off the phone and then rep 2 lied to me.

Me: Yeah, we only have a 30 day return window (and they told her otherwise. There were several issues on this call).

Customer: So I am going to need my y bill lowered to align with your company’s promises.

Me: I’m only allowed to lower your bill if we make 5 modifications to the y account…. (stringent af pricing policy).

The entire call was a huge cluster fuck. She wasn’t tough to deal with but everyone at this company just lies their asses off to get through the day.

submitted by /u/bro-asking-questions
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No, I won’t give you my last name, and no, I won’t be fired for this.

Had a member experience racism on a call today