
A call center nightmare.

This short story is about the side effects of working at a call center with non-stop back to back calls.

It was my day off, a day to relax and sleep in. It was 5am when I heard the horrible message we get before being connected to the call:

“*Beeeeep* English Tech Support”

I panicked, I woke up, I picked up my laptop and opened it. I saw none of my work tools open and panicked a bit more. I said the opening line

“Thank you for calling tech support, this is prad, what can I do to help you?”

Then I realised: it’s 5am, it’s saturday, this is not the office, I’m in my bed.

It was all: A call center nightmare.

submitted by /u/Pradich
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Clearly time is a lot more relative than I thought.

I’m not paying it.