
Inconsiderate Coworkers

I work at a major medical university and our queues are separated by department. I answer for a line that accepts calls from the number on all our advertising; our website, our commercials, our billboards, so on.

I have to deal with all internal medicine calls (book appointments, send messages) but a lot of our queue is transferring people and taking over 200 calls a day.

We’re also down by 2 staff, who are out on medical leave, so it’s largely just 3 of us these days.

What pisses me off is that, by and large, I’m the strongest of our queue. I answer way more calls, more efficiently, and pick up their slack when they make stupid choices – like somehow ending up on a 15 minute break at the same time, and leaving me alone. Or coming back from breaks stupid-late. Or seeing one person on break and then going into “paperwork” mode to get off phone stuff done, even though it’s the most inconvenient time of the day to choose to do that.

It sucks, but I manage, only to see that when I go on break, the queue fills up with 1,00 calls, like they’re too inept to handle with two people what I easily manage (though super annoyed and stressed) with one. Then when I’m done with my break, I come back into the queue and manage to sweep them all out while they draw out their calls to milk it.

I’m tired of one person in particular going on “call wrap up” all the time, for 30 minutes at a time, and the the other dude choosing at that minute to go wander on a 10 minute bathroom break. Or whatever combination of “just not paying attention” and “totally being an inconsiderate co-worker” that ends up with me doing all the work and up to my eyeballs in alligators, via necessity of causation from their actions, 90% of the time.

I point it out to my bosses all the time, but my top boss is so benevolent that it largely gets ignored. They send out emails, reminding people that you’re only allowed 1 hour of “call wrap up time per day” and yet some how one dude ends up with FOUR HOURS of wrap up time regularly, and they never address it. The two underling bosses acknowledged that it’s as annoying for them as it is for me, because they clearly see people taking advantage and they’re not given the go ahead to change it.

You know how much call wrap up time I use? Hardly any. Because I can type and listen at the same time, and I also don’t abuse it to get out of doing my job.

Thanks for letting me vent.

submitted by /u/zenlittleplatypus
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Patience goes along way

Snippets from my new job.