
I need to speak to a man.

Not my story, but a favourite coworker. Our job is an amalgam of every departments job, but one of these is technical support for alarm panels.

Coworker takes a call from a man who is convinced that his system is unfixable and that she (my coworker) is incompetent. She tries to explain to him that all he needs to do is enter one code into the panel and it would be fixed, but he refuses.

He demands to speak to a man about this.

So she puts him on hold. Leans back. Picks it up again, and in the deepest voice she can muster tells him the same information, same words, etc…

He thanks “him” and the problem is fixed.

Coworker has a great sense of humor about it, as offensive as it was we still laugh about it 😂

submitted by /u/Derrath
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"I need to speak to a lady"

I’ll chain you to it!!!