
I don’t know what to do? Call another supervisor I guess????


I work in a medical call center for a major hospital.

My supervisor is a micromanaging pain. She said any problems to page the on call supervisor. Tonight my coworker found someone to cover for her but the person covering isn’t trained on 85% of the queues. Ok fine but one of the queues is where we triage patients to speak with a nurse. I am supposed to take a 30 minute off the phone break for lunch. In good faith I can not leave that line unattended. So I paged the on call supervisor (like I was told to do) and asked about my 30 minute lunch……

Me: *explains everything above to on call supervisor and asks what to do.*

On-call supervisor: I don’t know, you woke me up for this?!? Did you not realize that this was happening?

Me: I didn’t know what covering person was trained on until I am 8 calls in waiting.

On-call supervisor: well call your supervisor. Have a good night.


Edit: because I am a semi decent person I am not taking my break because in good faith I can’t leave that queue unattended


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Well that doesn’t help the customer!

Agent on the escalation team calls me, a customer-facing front line agent, for instructions on how to do her job.