
How to reform myself at my office job to become an effective Team Lead.


Hello, All. I have a situation and I need your help. All responses are welcomed. Ty

The former Team Lead was fired last friday for SA his subordinates (My coworkers) This has caused the Team Lead position to open. My manager and I have a super close relationship since she takes me to work and home often (We live in the same apartment complex, by chance) she is giving me a host more of respoliablinites, but IDK if i can be an effective Team Lead.

My department is 4M & 3W. Everyone is between 24-34. I am 30M myself. We are cool with each other, We only take 20ish calls a day and each call by average, 1-3 minutes which makes for plenty of down time. Currently been in available for 15 min. Pretty average.

I need to talk about the cons first to explain my situation.


I’m addicted to marijuana. I know that is not top story news, but im always high. Most people smoke weed in the office, but I feel like I take it to another level. I smoke a Vapepen and smoke flower and i make my own cannabutter since i grow 2 plants in my apt. I don’t sell. This is for personal use only.

I don’t have the respect from my female teammates. I’m pretty sure they can’t stand me; which is fair. Out of the 3 female coworkers, one of them calls me a incel once a week; which is fair. The 2nd coworker does not care for me at all and the last female coworker only talks to me because we sit right across from each other. I’m pretty certain she doesn’t care for me either. Meh, it hurts a bit, but what can you do as a man in a woman’s world.

I’m cool with the guys on my team, but everyone is closer with each other then I am with everyone. I’m the outsider even though I’ve been there the longest. (It’s a tie of tenure between myself and one of my female co workers)


The job pays 2$ more than i currency make

I will only take 2-3 “supervisor” calls per day instead of the 20ish calls I take now.

My manager is currency asking me to set the schedule for breaks & lunches, approve invoices via our chat, instead of taking calls, while typing this reddit post. which is cool.

TL:DL & in conclusion: How do you gain the respect from your co workers and have the gumption to do better to perform a position like Team Lead for a call center?


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AT&T accidentally hung up a call

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