
You want 40 seconds and less notes? Fine, you get exactly 40 seconds and almost no notes.


I am pretty detailed oriented so like 8 times out of 10, i used to make a note after a call.

Got a convo with a supervisor wednesday, saying that my after time is too long, i “should” be able to do it in 40 seconds. Then i said “well i also just need time to breath, sometimes 40 seconds isn’t enough after getting yelled at or difficult convos”, she said “well its not the busy period anymore, you get some seconds between every call right now…”. She either flat out, lied to my face or is ignorant because i can say from **experience** that most days i only got that maybe 2 or 3 calls in the morning, the rest of the day, it usually goes to the next call **straight away** thus i would like some more seconds to just mentally breath, you know, take care of my mentel well being.

Besides that I got told to not leave as many notes, only “do the required stuff and what you deem important”, well because of this petty convo, i decided “what i deem important” is nothing. Just for verification purposes sometimes a name because that is strictly monitored too.

Also i used to sometimes go to the next call almost straight away, that luxury is over now too, am i done with the notes before 40 sec are up, or dont have notes? then i get a break for 40 sec, or go to the next call and write down that i “earned” 40 sec and thus having 1m20 break after the call after that….

All in all, because my supervisor wants more “productivity”, she gets less notes, a slightly more petty employee, less help in the comments and every call now comes with a mandatory 40 sec waiting period on the dot. Regardless of how hard or easy the call was. Also other coworkers tried to notify me. Sorry coworkers, I can’t answer, only got 40s between calls! I was also being told to read news letters and make sure to check email. Yup i get right on that…. For 40 seconds in between the call, sure….

What do you think, is this more productive?


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