
advice on performance review


Hi guys,

Another day in the trenches. I’ve been tasked to fill in my self evaluation for my performance review and I have absolutely no idea what to write at all.

I’ve been tasked to rank myself based out on outbound and inbound calls – based on the following metrics – 1. Outstanding 2. Exceeds expectations 3. Meets expectations 4. Mostly meets expectations

Although I’m consistently in the top 3 performers within my team in relation to my accepted call stats nearly the past 3 quarters I’ve been with the team, I definitely feel like there may be room for improvement such as dealing with my after call work time even though it’s still slightly above average compared to my peers.

How should I rank myself as I’ve never done this before? I feel like compared to the average my productivity is great but perhaps I can improve slightly on things?


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I hate not being able to say “no”.

Has anybody here worked life insurance customer service ?