
Refreshing Customer – So Annoying


I work for a large financial institution that has had record profits since reluctantly covid started, yet invests no money to improve customer service and blames poor service on the pandemic. We are understaffed and the wait times have been ridiculous for two years. They remedy this by attempting to implement behavioural changes.

There always seems to be something broken with the system causing me to reach out to technical advisors, who’s lines have on average 15 to 20 minute wait times. We are expected to “refresh the customer” every two minutes. So for a 20 minute wait I’m expected to jump back in and tell the customer “thanks for your patience, we’re still waiting” 10 times.

I find this so annoying but research shows that customers don’t like being on hold for longer than two minutes. That doesn’t mean that they are cool waiting on the phone for 20 minutes as long as someone chimes in every time minutes applauding them for their patience. I called a company and someone did this to me and it was annoying as fuck.

I have the feeling that the underlying motivation is that the company doesn’t want employees to use unavoidable hold time to dick around or NOT WORK. It’s clear they are not willing to invest more money to improve customer service so they create bullshit tasks to justify their existence.


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