
Woman told me to get a new job


I had a woman call in regarding our rental assistance program. I only answer questions snd do not affect the review process.

She had just applied and asked for a timeline on when she will see aid. I told her that we currently don’t have a timeline because of an ongoing delay that has affected the program from top to bottom.
“Oh so I’m just going to be homeless?” She retorts to the information. I tell her, verbatim, “Ma’am, I can’t comment on that matter.” This, based on her response, was a provocation as she proceeded to graduate from belligerent to raising her voice and interrupting me about it effectively being my fault that we currently don’t have a timeline regarding the program. After this being expressed and the interruption continuing, I say “Excuse me ma’am,” I ask for respect in regards to the matter, and reexplain the situation. To which case she sighs and asks for another person to talk to. I concede with a sigh and say “yes, let me have one moment to message the manager to see if you can get transferred.” It goes silent, I send the message, and report back that I sent it. To which she replies, “You know, I called in looking to get an answer to a simple question and you treated me like I was an idiot. Customer service clearly isn’t your line of work and you need to get a new job.”

I understand the frustration for so many in sticky rental situations, and I’m going to be praying for this woman. I too, realize I can probably work on my skills and tone as well. However, it simply appalls me that people are willing to speak to others like that regarding something that’s entirely out of their control. Maybe she doesn’t see it as that, and for this reason she obviously deserves grace, but it’s nonetheless still frustrating


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