
I won’t risk your safety for our property


So I work in a broadband/phone/TV company that shall not be named.
I’m a 27 year old woman, my department is primarily tech support but I also deal with new orders and fees that can occur if you don’t give us our stuff back when you cancel. I don’t want to go into too much detail as the last thing I want is this customer to be tracked.

A bloke called up who sounded exhausted, he had cancelled his service with us but still had access to the account and had been told there would be a fee added to the account as he wasn’t able to return the equipment. Standard for a few companies. I asked if there was any way he could return it and then the fees would be cancelled.

And then he explained.

His female partner had been physically and emotionally abusive, so he’d had to flee with the clothes on his back. The police wouldn’t help him, and he couldn’t go back without risk of himself. I looked at his account and saw the same explination in the notes but that he was going to go to the police to see if they could help. Obviously they hadn’t.

I asked to put him on hold and spoke with my manager, gave her a breakdown of the situation as the amount is too high for me to wave.

Got her to wave the over £100 fee.


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