
Call center bids


Excuse the format as I’m on my phone. We were told last year we would not be having a center bid any time soon due to all the changes with Covid. Well here comes December and we get news there will actually be a bid for summer schedules that technically start in March and run until November. Prior to this bid all care reps bid together but now they’ve separated them into the three categories of reps we have. This means the most tenured and highest paid reps bid in the smallest group with the least amount of shifts available. After twelve years of service of which I’ve had an amazing shift for roughly the past six I’m disgusted and upset with this process. It’s like a slap in the face. I’m too old to just say fuck it and find another job but it makes me sick to know my friend who works a lesser position than me with less tenure will have an amazing schedule and I’ll either be working nights or weekends or both. Six years ago I would never would have taken this position if I would have known how much it would change. Thanks for letting me vent.


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