
Credit rating

I honestly had a really solid day. Only 1 real fucking moron, who wasn’t mean or rude or anything, just extremely stupid (uses card, doesn’t receive bill, doesn’t think to call 🙄), even had a customer’s wife agree CA is a silly place, so not to bad a day.

But all the people who wanted to discuss credit just… fuckin hell. I understand, credit is important. I understand that it’s concerning. But I’m not allowed to discuss your credit. I’m only allowed to inform you whether or not we are reporting to the credit agencies. I’d love to explain we only report every 30, 60, and 90 days, but I was explicitly told not to. We also have to report it accurately.

1 lady kept asking me to make sure not ding her credit because earlier in the month some fuckstick said “it’s up to you if you wanna pay”. She wasn’t 30 days past due so we wouldn’t report it, but that’s not allowed to be said because someone at some point, sued or complained because of what someone on the phone told them. So I tried my best to assure her and not get dinged.

Another 10 people asked about it, but at least respected when I told them I’m not allowed to discuss it at length.

But this last person… so, it was a minute before lunch and she calls in. Her autopay fucked up, which sucks, and I did feel bad we were reporting her as past due, because her other 3 cards are paid properly. She also paid the majority of her bill before calling, so it was clearly a real error. And then the calamity of errors that led to me taking her (not totally unreasonable) call. First she calls to clear it up, and the person she spoke with explains we can’t discuss credit, but we have credit experts! So she transfers them, not to our credit specialists, but to fucking Experian. Okay, no big deal right? They’re literally a credit reporting bureau! No. No no no. Apparently, this sack of fuck tells her “the only way to remove it is for [Bank] to unreport it”. Which, hey, that’s correct! What he neglected to tell her is that we are required by federal law to report fairly and accurately. She was past due. To “unreport” it, we’d be risking liability if we can’t explain why we changed it. “Courtesy” is not a valid reason. And the only way we’d unreport it is if it was an error on our end

And I still can’t discuss any of this. I’m not allowed to tell her any of this. So, I have to get her to a credit specialist. But they have reduced hours due to covid! They have a 4 hour window where people can call to get help. So customer has to walk away, having to rearrange their schedule to make the call, and it’s all going to be for nothing because the autopay error was on her end.

Just an ultimately frustrating experience. Didn’t even mean for it to get this long lol but c’est la vie. Thanks for reading my rant lol

submitted by /u/KvinnoralskarAnkor
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