
To all that work at call centers:

I see a lot of you guys posting and commenting about your call center job or experience. I would like to offer some advice, but first I’d like to share a little bit of my background.

I work as a Supervisor at a call center and I’m going on two years. I promoted to the current position I have now within a year, so pretty quickly. I want to share with you something’s I have learned that have made it worth my while: (just my opinions and thoughts throughout the years)

If you’re thinking about staying/leaving.

If the job pays well or bonuses easily, it’s worth a bad call here or there. Don’t let a customer decide your financial livelihood because they’re upset with theirs.

The community! If you have supportive friends, peers, and leaders who genuinely care about your success, health, and career. Every job has it’s ups and downs but if you can share it with people who make the day go by faster- it’s worth it.

Great benefits. Having the right life insurance, health insurance, dental and eye to care for you and your family that isn’t too much out of your wallet. Oh, and a 401k if you’re here for the long haul.

Recognition. If your center provides breakfasts, lunch, dinner from time to time. Offers you snacks or food or just a simple high five or a balloon. We all need a little break. It doesn’t have to be much but it’s always great to have a little unasked for praise. Makes you feel like you’re making a difference.

Promotion opportunities. You don’t want to stay an agent forever, especially if you want to make this a career. I hope you have leaders that notice you and mentor you or give you the opportunity to shine because you deserve it.

I ghost read a lot of posts here and I’ve definitely been that agent/supervisor with a bad call or day. These are the things that keep me here and make me want to go further with the company. I hope this helps and please feel free to share your thoughts or questions!

submitted by /u/JuLaysChips
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Makes me stay 2 hours after my shift then gives me a dress code violation

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