

Me: This is Even_Appeal, how may I direct your call?

Caller: Yeah, I need information about a donation I made.

Me: Okay, was the donation towards an event or was it a general donation?

Caller: It was a- hold on a second.

Me: Okay.

Caller: (I can hear some noise in the background, a phone being picked up) Hi, who are you looking to speak to? Mhm. Ok. Just a moment. (Hear a hang up noise and some rustling back to the phone) Okay, yeah, I need information about a donation I made.

This lady was making a call to me and made me hold so that she could answer a call, apparently at her job answering phones. Sacrilege.

submitted by /u/Even_Appeal
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"Go **** yourself"!!!

"They should already know to do that." Insufferable child-like customer.