
And this is why we have privacy laws and protocols in place

So, I don’t work a call center currently (used to, I know your struggle!) but from time to time my job requires I make a cold call or two. I work for a health insurance company, and we’ll often make calls when members become disenrolled, and while sometimes you’ll get lucky and reach a member you personally signed up or have worked with before, the majority of the time it’s completely random.

This just happened:

Me: Hi I’m calling to reach Angel G.

Random women: yes?

Me: is this angel?

Random women: yes this is

Me: looks at computer and confirms angel is a man

Me: I’m trying to reach the parent or guardian of Sara G

Random woman: oh you have the wrong number

Me: so you’re not Angel?

Random woman: no, I’m not.

Sigh. And this ladies and gentlemen is why HIPAA exists.

submitted by /u/easycure
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"Report me for what, Ma’am?"

Anyone else have songs play in their heads based on their interactions?