
I’ll always be one to let customer support and customer service in general know their work is appreciated, regardless of how few express it.

To start off, I’m on mobile and I’m not 100% familiar with the way reddit works to begin with, so deal with the formatting. Secondly, it’s not exactly always a call center, but I feel like it applies all around . Third of all, I don’t technically work in a call center.

I’d just like to say I think it’s ridiculous that sending a “thank you” in response to someone who works in customer support has become so rare that they take time to say they appreciate my appreciation. I get responses appreciating the fact that I put in the effort to say thank you from support representatives all the time. SAY. THANK. YOU. They didn’t cause your problems, they’ve done everything they can to help you in most instances, just fucking say thank you. JFC. /rant

The email that inspired this post

submitted by /u/auntienate
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You never forget some callers

I outed some woman’s boyfriend.