
Look outside

This story took place a few days ago. For those who don’t know, I’m a tier 2 rep for tech support for an ISP. My job handles a wide variety of things including correcting tickets, programming and of course tier 1 calls. This was the tier 1 call I received. I will be Me, agent will be A and tech will be T.

Me: Tier 2, this is D.

A: Hi, D. This is A. I have a woman on the phone saying that her tech just left without finishing the job. Can you send him back?

Me: I’ll see what I can do.

I call the tech.

T: Hello?

Me: Hi, this is Me from tier 2. I have an agent saying you just left from a job and there’s still some trouble. I’m just wondering if you can head back.

T: muttering about something he told that stupid woman I’m outside working on the pole. I told her I was going out. The trouble is in the pole. Their drop wire is shot. Tell her to look outside the front window and I’ll wave.

Me: laughs Alright, sorry for bothering you. Enjoy your day.

T: You too.

I return to the agent.

Me: Yeah, tell the customer to look out her front window. The tech is working on the pole.

A: Seriously? Wow. Okay, thanks.

Me: Enjoy your day.

Some people…

submitted by /u/devdevo1919
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Why is it every time I contact the wrong department, I can’t get help!

I Actually Felt Bad Until The End.