
You want me to do what?

An earlier post reminded me of a call I took from a customer. The post was about a caller expecting the operator to go to Texas (from Canada) to check the warehouse for a phone they returned.

One of the call centres I worked in was a magazine subscription company. The head office was a magazine publisher which had a distribution warehouse across the city – a good hour by public transport away from the call centre. I didn’t have a vehicle.

This happened a few years ago, so my memory isn’t clear on how it came about, but she didn’t receive a copy of a magazine. Usually, if the customer was a subscriber and due to distribution error or whatever, they didn’t get their copy and there was no stock in the system, we would simply add another month (if the magazine was monthly) to their subscription free of charge.

This was not good enough for her. She wanted me to go check the warehouse for a copy. I couldn’t do that, obviously.

Then she said: “Go to the shop and buy one and send it to me.”

Say what? Yes, she wanted me to use my own money and buy her a copy from the retailer.

I sympathised with her to a point, but that was ridiculous.

submitted by /u/elldubnz
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Nun and Porn

“I *literally* don’t have the ability to send that to you”