
Just be a little nice!


This is my first storm season spent working for an electric company and it is… interesting! Last weekend there were big storms all over the southern US, taking out power to 250k people in states around mine and 200k people in my state in my town and those around me. I. am. exhausted. I’ve worked 9 hours monday, 11 hours yesterday, 10 scheduled today if they don’t keep people longer.

I am such an empathetic person but people are so hateful. I know that having no power sucks, but so many people tell me they’re on oxygen and are sitting in their house going to die – why? Call the number on the oxygen tank. Call 911 even and go to the hospital. Call any number of resources I give you. People refuse and guilt you about how they are old, or sick, and suffering and it’s so so hot and I could never understand. Except I do?? I’m a human too. I am the only one in my family with power. I am making all the calls to find gas, groceries and hotels, opening my house to people and animals while I’m exhausted and working overtime, spending extra money I don’t have on food and bills. If one more person tells me I don’t get it and I need to do better… Idk what I’ll do.

The thing that probably pushes it over the edge for me though, is that I have people from other areas of the country calling to report one off power outages, and they say things like “Can you imagine how awful it is to go 2 hours without electricity? I can’t do it, you guys don’t care about us”. Yes. Yes I can imagine the horrors you are going through. Let me drop everything and go join the crews working on your one outage.

It’s a fantastic job 99% of the time, but this week has me over it!


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The Callcenter Agent Call

Barbara is a rude coworker in a call center full of insulting and unprofessional employees