
Does anyone work in a place where hanging up is simply NOT ALLOWED? How do you deal?


I’ve worked at this one for a year and a half, I’m getting pretty tired of being verbally abused/held verbally hostage with no way out, but I like the flexible schedule and I guess I could be here for a little while longer (if they give me my pay raise next month that is lol).

But, unfortunately, hanging up means you’re fired. No ifs, ands, or buts. You’re just fired. No sympathy from upper management.

Example: when myself and my training class first started out on the phones (after the most vague training class that was two weeks of NOTHING preparing us for this bullshit, mind you), a coworker accidentally hung up on a customer due to pressing the wrong button on the phone system and was immediately fired. You all would’ve been proud of the colorful words she wrote in the teams chat before she was blocked.

I’ve come up with some fun ways to “kill rude customers with kindness” over my time here, but there is always those one or two absolutely MISERABLE situations (at least weekly) where you’re just stuck being absolutely verbally assaulted for 10-20+ minutes until the customer hangs up or demands a supervisor (who will tell them the same information lmaoooo).

Do any any of you lovely people work somewhere where hanging up is grounds for immediate termination? How do you deal with it?

Please feel free to share your stories of ridiculous customers and how you’ve managed to get them off of the phones, I’d love to hear them!


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There needs to be a 1-800-GOOGLE for people who can’t figure out the internet.

magic button?