
“Data protection is just nonsense”


I work for a utility company. Had a call from a small business customer we supply, customer couldn’t pass basic data protection and said none of it matters as it was obviously her.

Unknown number so, no, it’s not obvious and I have to tell her so.

About 10 minutes of back and forth and she’s still refusing to give her details on the basis that she shouldn’t have to. Just laziness. Nothing more.

She eventually relented and then told me the DOB was wrong because she made it up when the application came through, same for the email.

She’s laughing through every step of this.

She says there’s nothing on her account that could be used anyway, I pointed out that we have her direct debit and banking details but she didn’t believe that was true.

I checked out the business afterwards, it almost certainly has a customer base where they need to keep customer payment and personal data.

I often wonder how some of these people get to a point where they’re able to open and run a business with any success.


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That’s the whole purpose of the form

You have my phone number that is enough.