
why treating your support agent badly can backfire, a lot!

somewhat long, but i got encouraged by u/Cylys to write it.

so, the Cast.

me, tech support agent for several companies in a third party support center.

one of my female co-workers.

Mr H., a british “customer”

Our contact person at one of the projects, that was in the callcenter visiting.

this takes place in 2002(I quit to move countries in 2004, just for background)

The story starts with with a call on a line for a now defunct producer of gaming accessories.

The call starts badly, someone is cursing and I just barely get out a name, luckily the number on my display matches up on our phonebook search app.

It seems his joystick short cirquited and burnt his pc down, which is completely impossible and rather a stupid argument, but okay.

After being treatened with ombudsman, lawyers and some kind of tv-show about bad consumer goods, he shouts some more how we’ll regret not giving in to his demand of new gear, he hangs up, I close the call with a warning that he might be a scammer and that’s it…. or so I thought…..

2 weeks later, one of the project supervisors takes me off the phone to ask if I remember the call?

Sure, he was just about memorable enough to remember the general gist of the call.

Turns out, mr H. had been trying his trick on a lot of companies and some where other customers of ours.

This wouldn’t have triggered much of an alarm, except he had called my female coworker a “dumb cow” and she carries a grudge….

after she had got her on one line, He had called one of our customers “insanely large producer of mice and keyboards”, while most of our customers where rather hands off and not to bothered about what happened after calls end, this one is a bit different.

So, customer is now on the shit-list of a company that has more lawyers than some small countries and joy of joys, our contact person is actually coming to the callcenter in a week.

A week of nothing much happening goes by and our contact is standing next to me, the supervisor and the other agents, and joy of joys, I get to be the one calling the customer back….

Call starts normal and I do my spiel.

company x has checked your request for an non-warranty product and we’ll not give you any free stuff.

At this point the usual threats of lawyer, ombudsman and “I know consumer tv show hosts” etc. start.

I get tapped on my shoulder by the contact, he says it’s his turn now…..

“please hold for a representative from our main office”

I mute my mic and he unmutes his….In about 2 minutes of uninterrupted monotone speech, he explains the customer that any other threats, calls to our line or third parties about this will be met with the full legal power of the company and he would advise against lying to our support staff or abusing anyone again or there will be consequences. There was a few seconds of stunned silence and a *click* and we never heard from mr. H ever again!

submitted by /u/kharnynb
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My experience with a Call Centre company