
I didn’t force you to move here!


I know I’m probably going to get shit from my supervisor for this one but I honestly don’t care at this point

Customer calls in for a restricted account, says that she’s been trying to get this resolved for 2 days now. Empathy statement, look at what i can do, advise her best option is to have me close the account and then she can reopen it. Customer is annoyed, but agrees. Says something along the lines of “things are such a hassle in the States” which, yeah, I get it, moving to a different country has got to be very stressful and difficult. I didn’t say anything and continued with closing her account.

She goes to reopen it and continues making little comments like “I just don’t think you can fix it” and “you Americans have already tried [solution] and that didn’t work” and so on and so forth. It was annoying, but it wasn’t outright abusive according to our guidelines, so I couldn’t really say anything.

New account gets restricted, so I open a case for our internal team to look at it. Customer complains again that this was already attempted, no one ever called her back, “why are you so incompetent!” and I ignore all of it to try and just get her information for this case.

Wrapping up, I do the usual spiel “are there any other questions I can assist you with today?”

“Yeah, tell me why you Americans are so incompetent and -!”

I couldn’t take it anymore, i just hung up. I’ve already been screamed and cussed at by six other customers before my first break today, and I had only taken 9 calls up to that point. I know I’m going to get in trouble but damn I don’t care at this point. I’m not the one who forced you to move to the USA, lady!


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Customer steals friends ID. Friend needs it to see dying relative.

Had to hang up on a customer for the first time ever today for being abusive, boss told me I shouldn’t have