
“I’m useless and I’m going to be angry about it until you fix it!”


I am back to claims. I love claims. Sometimes. I like helping people get their money back. I enjoy getting praised for literally just doing my job. It’s got perks.

But there’s also the scammers. The assholes. The people who need friends more than anything. And then there’s this kid.

They have some fraudulent claims filed on his account. Okay, that’s bad, but I know how to help, let’s get it done.

But they don’t want help. They want to complain. Maybe I’m an asshole, but for whatever reason, a 16 year old yelling at me like I should’ve been keeping a personal eye on their account because they’re 16 and they can’t drive and they can’t do this and that or the next thing so how could they file a claim. Even though I’ve helped 12 year olds file a claim (parents were there listening to help them along, that call warms my heart), I can’t say anything. Because it’s rude.

I get it. It’s scary. It’s frustrating. It’s annoying. But being offended that [company] didn’t label you completely useless because you’re 16 and treating me like shit because of it isn’t the moves. At all.

8 minutes of pure complaining, constantly saying “you” (yes, I’m aware they were talking about my employer. No, I can’t ignore someone who is constantly accusing me, whether they understand they are or not) and how “I” should’ve known that they couldn’t have possibly done this.

And it wasn’t the “I’m useless”. Hell, I’ve genuinely enjoyed calls where the person was “useless”. They listened and asked questions. They were asking for help.

It wasn’t even the attitude. I can handle someone whose mad at the situation, and is letting it out.

It’s “I’m useless, but I think I’m qualified to open my mouth and criticize things and I can’t even do stuff that I’d literally be led through the nose on”. While simultaneously making it take longer to *actually fix the issue*. If you’re that fucking useless, have your parents call us. Then again, who knows where you got the idea that treating someone like shit and complaining *at* them is a recipe for success.

If you don’t know something? Cool. If you’re angry that someone stole your shit? I’ll be angry with you! Fuck them! If you’re going to be angry at me and try to make me feel bad for you while you treat me like garbage, for something I have zero control over until you call me? Fuck off. I will give you one warning. Two if you’ve got a good reason to be mad.

But I’m not your mom or your dad. I’m not your friend, and I’m not your servant. I don’t have to put up with abuse, and I’ll get a pat on the back by my leadership for not allowing a shitty customer to fuck with my chi.

More callcenters need clear cut guidelines on hanging up on customers. See how long customers forget their manners when they can’t get anything done when their usual bullshit gets them dick all.


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revenge on customers

“Yes I want to use these tickets I had a refund processed for.”