
What’s up with the passive aggressiveness?


I can’t really tell if I work in a call center. There’s like 8 of us (customer service reps) that schedule customers at our HVAC company. The rest of the calls we can’t take get routed to a call center (backup agents) anyway, we’re answering the phones helping customers/doing other office work. I love our management, but everything seems so passive aggressive. Like they’ll call a situation out that’s oddly specific, and then say “I’m not trying to call anyone out here” but in reality they kind of are. They don’t say this 1v1 they’ll either say it to the group in a zoom meeting/and or post it to teams chat. What the heck is that about

Edit: it’s also good to note that the culture is really strong. Everyone has a strong sense of worth ethic, the life/work balance is huge. It’s a medium sized company so not too big not too small, and departments all seem to be on the same page. I’ve never experienced a more positive culture. (Which I annoyingly tend to think is a red flag)


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