
*Sigh* I’m now the guy they talk about in reviews


I have tendency to tell the customer what they wanna hear. I have a bad knack to not want to tell them the bad news themselves so I usually put it off on somebody else because according to my line of work “there’s always a way to help somebody.” No there isn’t. Such as in this case, where lady called “why was this feature removed on my device. I can’t upgrade now.” And I tried to get around it, tried to find resolution, but there is none except waiting weeks or more to resolve it. Heat of the moment, I panicked and lied “it will be provisioned back on there and will be able to upgrade momentarily, and expect a call momentarily from a manager about it.” I even had to repeat this to a retail manager. Im the guy everybody says in reviews “they were no help to me, they lied to me, etc.” I panicked. And I’m disappointed in myself. Hoping nobody was listening in on that one, but what can ya do in that spot… *sigh* it is what it is.


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The keys in the keyboard are jealous of me!!

I’m quitting finally