
Is this normal?


To be honest I don’t even know if I work for a call center. I’m kind of a middle man between a client and an agent, I transfer people and make commission off transfers. It’s inbound and outbound calls but for us to call they have to put their info in online. I was told we aren’t telemarketers and it’s customer service but it feels very much like a call center. I honestly don’t mind the job though it’s not bad.

My question is about hours. I’m part time and there’s a minimum I have to work and a max I can work. The minimum is REQUIRED weekly. So if need a day off I have to make up those hours that same week. Either working late or starting earlier. Is that normal? I am moving soon and wanted to visit a different state. I have no idea how that would work as I guess you just aren’t allowed to take days off here.


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