
Just venting…


So, the call center I work for used to be pretty well staffed. We had an equal amount of reps staffed for day & evening shift, so the calls were pretty consistent all throughout the day. Unless it was a really busy time of month, we’d have at least a 2 minute wait between calls pretty much all day.

About 2 months ago, they hired some new guy to take over workforce management and scheduling. Since bringing him on, I’ve noticed a change in staffing. We’re overstaffed during the day, sitting and waiting 6-8 minutes between calls. But on the evening shift (2-11pm), which I work, he has only about 10-12 of us staffed and we’re slammed all night, with people waiting 30 min to and hour to get through. And when they do, they’re pissed because they had to wait. I just don’t understand wtf this new guy is doing…and why the higher ups aren’t doing anything about his crazy schedules. I feel like this needs to be addressed, but feel like nothing will come out of me saying anything, so why bother 🙄 All I know for sure, is that I’m sick of it.


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