
a regular button masher


Short but sweet, thought you would all enjoy

I get that automated systems are annoying. A gentleman became emotionally compromised and began hitting random buttons, which in a way will get you to *a* person (if it doesn’t hang up on you) but then it’s kind of a random person and doesn’t give me any account info

Anyway, he was very upset and he opened up with a mega-mind-monologue about the injustices of how long it takes to get to a person and spent a good 10 minutes explaining there shouldn’t ever be a recorded system, everything everywhere should all be live people from start to finish etc. anyway, once I got my chance to speak 🗣 upon a couple questions I found his account was a different region of the country // and I needed to transfer the poor sap, back to square 1 😩


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I need to vent about changes at my job