
Reasons you’ve disconnected a call with a customer?


I want to hear your “had to disconnect the call” stories.

In my job, I deal with a lot of baby boomers. Most of the time, I’m able to pacify everyone.

But today, a Karen was being especially nasty. I had to put it on hold to do something for her that I didn’t even have to do. Technically, I could’ve told her to go on Google and do it her damn self. But I like to go above and beyond to help people. Well anyway, when I came back, she gave me an attitude about it taking so long. She said, in the bitchiest tone, “Is there a problem?” The second I came back. And then she explained how well I was on hold, she got another agent to take care of something else for her. I guess she was using two phones to call our line? Anyway, then she demanded I did something else for her, and I was just so taken aback by her shit attitude that I said “OK, one moment” and hung up. I get great QAs and every other call I take is handled 100% “by the book”
But since every other call is perfect, It kind of gives me leverage to hang up on a call like this every now and again

Does anyone else do this when people are rude?

The way I see it, if someone is berating and disrespecting you while demanding you do tasks for them, while simultaneously complaining that you are doing that task to slow, they are in no condition to be calling. And they need to call back when they can not be a piece of shit.

I think more call-center need to make rude treatment equal to cussing. If a customer swears, I’m allowed to hang up. But if they are constantly berating you in other ways without using profanity, that somehow OK? If rude callers were immediately hung up on, they would be on their best behavior the next time they call in

Anyway. This started as me asking a question and turned into a rant. I apologize


Do you ever hang up on callers? I did today lol


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