
The One Where: The Customer Thinks They Know The Law



When someone, anyone, customer or otherwise says “I know more about *x* than you” it is highly likely that the person knows next to diddly fucking squat.

I am not sure how it works in call centres in other countries but here in the UK, everyone gets taught the basics of financial laws. Not every law, not even every part of all the laws but rather an overview. Each agent **MUST** pass their exam every quarter. Laws covered include, but are not limited to; [Consumer Credit Act (2015)]( (hereafter referred as CCA), [GDPR](, and the [Bribery Act](

You should know that every so often your bank and/or credit provider will ask you to verify your transactions before they allow the transaction to go through. This is done for but not limited to; anti scam, anti fraud, anti money laundering purposes.

With that, here is a tale about a time when a customer informed he knew more about the CCA than I did because I was just a call centre worker.

> **Peace:** Hello and welcome to [credit provider]. How can I help?

> **Karen:** You guys are stopping my payments. I’m going to sue you!!!

“*Oh. Fun!*” I thought. Let’s go. The following was what happened after security was done.

> **Karen:** So *as* I was saying, all of my payments are being stopped! Do you know how embarrassing that is?! Do you?!!!

> Under the CCA! I CAN SUE YOU!!! IT’S MY MONEY!!!!

Now, let’s take a break here. Just to inform you guys of a tidbit you already know; when you are using a credit card it is not, and never will be your money. Anyway, back to the show.

> **Peace:** I’m sorry to hear that. Were all payments stopped and were they online transactions?

> **Karen:** Yes! You know I can sue you! Read the CCA!! It SAYS SO IN BLACK & WHITE!!!!

> **Peace:** Well I mean, no it doesn’t(?).


Oh lord. I just annoyed the customer even more. No payments were even stopped by us. I should have just said that.

> **Karen:** Don’t you dare disrespect my intelligence! You’re just a call centre worker. What could you know about the CCA more than me?! I don’t even want to speak to your superior because they’ll just be as dumb as you. Expect a letter from my lawyer!!!


It has been weeks. I have not yet been given info as to the ETA of this letter. Do you think her lawyers threw her out of their office? I’d certainly like to think so.


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